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Cooperative Control of Multiagent Systems based on Internal Model Design

发布时间:2024-11-09 19:58:30 发布人:唐振东  

报告时间: 2024.11.08(周五) 下午14:00-17:00


报告摘要: In this talk, we will introduce the basic principle of the internal model design and the wide applications in the cooperative control problem of multi-agent systems. First, distributed linear internal models are proposed to solve the cooperative robust output regulation problem of second-order nonlinear multi-agent systems with an unknown exosystem. Under the connected communication network, the multiple control objectives including asymptotic tracking of a nonlinear reference signal, rejecting external disturbances and handling system uncertainty are simultaneously achieved. Then, they are applied to the rendezvous problem, which additionally requires to maintain the connectivity of the network. Finally, a special class of nonlinear internal models are introduced and used to solve the attitude synchronization of rigid spacecraft systems.


董怡,毕业于香港中文大学,在KTH瑞典皇家理工学院从事博士后工作,现为同济大学“青年百人”特聘研究员,博导。长期从事多智能体系统协同控制理论与应用研究,在控制和人工智能领域主流期刊上发表论文 60余篇,获得中国控制会议“关肇直奖”、上海市人工智能学会青年优秀科技论文奖等;入选上海市启明星A类计划,江苏省双创计划和六大人才高峰,在《Journal of Systems Science and Complexity》《Frontiers in Control Engineering》《系统科学与数学》等多本期刊和国际会议担任编委工作。

